Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm right you're wrong by way of TECHNICOLOR TIGER LILY

This post was on some real talk so I had to pass it on. This girl mirrored my feelings exactly!

Original post by Lily @ Technicolor Tiger Lily

Facebook fights are the best.

I have a few friends that are atheist, which I don't have a problem with. I don't judge them from what they believe, or don't believe. They're good people, that's all that matters.

& Sometimes they put things in their status that offend those bible raping Christians out know who you are. You know, the people who jack off to a bible & walk around believing they're the chosen one, & every one who looks unholy needs to be preached at. Well, all those people start to comment & try to stick up for Christianity while they use run on sentences, fragments, hideous grammar, & don't spell anything right. It really pisses me off to see. If you're trying to stick up for something, use proper grammar! Try to look & seem just a LITTLE bit intelligent! It is a huge pet peeve of mine to look like an IDIOT while you're trying to back up your claim.

I love God, but I don't love when people who pretend to be Christians & act like they do every thing right, & they should shove all of their beliefs down every one's throat, even mine. Don't preach to me if I'm not at church, please. That's why I go to church, to hear a preacher. I will talk about God any day with you, but only if you want me to. Not because I'm just going to do it any way, whether you like it or not. I'm not the type to talk about something with people they're not comfortable with. It's like mentally raping a person. If they don't want to hear it, DON'T TALK TO THEM ABOUT IT.

Religion is a great thing, but not when these dumbass people try to turn it into something that glorifies THEMSELVES. You're supposed to go out into the world with positivity, & wisdom. Not madness & ignorant behavior.


Original Post by Lily @ Technical Tiger Lily

<====== click that!!!!


I start there tomorrow. Back to school! WOO.

I've been out for a year, and I thought it would be a breeze, just a walk in the park.

I was wrong =.=

As soon as I got in there the nerves were seriously kicking my ssa. I don't even know what it was. I just felt like I was swimming in a shark pool. They were about to devour me. This is the open house meeting I went to the other day, by the way. I got all of my classes. American History, English 3 honors, Algebra 2, LUNCH (osn, lunch is an ENTIRE period at this school), Spanish 2, Critical Thinking, Chemistry Honors, and African American History.

Okay lets give a run down on each thing I've mentioned. I'll start with the hot button of African American History. I walked in there, my class wasn't full of anything but black people. "AWESOME." Said my brain. I saw Mr. Cool-Looking-Man standing in the corner on his high tech cell phone looking professional and like he just didn't care and naturally, I assumed that man was the teacher, waiting for all his soon-to-be students to get in the classroom for the open house.... and then a white woman walked in. Woo baby, this is going to be an interesting class =D! Lets all try to keep an open mind and not be judgmental, though, alright?! I would like to see if anyone objects. Now that's going to be messed up. Everyone in my family was surprised to learn she was the teacher. Hell yeah we all thought Mr. Cool-Looking-Man was the teacher! He's African American, by the way(pointed out the obvious?).

Chemistry Honors. Science is not my strong point but I have to take this and push myself if pharmacy is really my chosen career path, and I believe strongly its my calling. I'm going to find a tutor for that class as well as Algebra 2. I'm okay in math usually, but last year in home school I didn't do so very well and I want to make sure I do greatly this year. Critical Thinking. That class was required. Stupid Florida. EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT. I have EIGHT CLASSES!!!!!! Granted one of which is a lunch period for me but Still!!! We only had 6 in Georgia... Even without me taking harder classes this time around, this year would still be difficult because there is so much more required. It's all so different. Anyways, I have no clue what that class is about. Pops thought he knew but it was something totally different from his college critical thinking course. Next! Spanish two. Spanish, I did OKAY in. But a lot has been wiped from my memory already. Too bad this course is required. I don't know how well I'll do, but Pops gave me a set of something that had CD's in it and it is to learn the Spanish language in just 3 months. I figure, if I do that then I'll do fine in Spanish class without requiring a tutor, which can get sort of pricey at times. OSN!! Lunch is an En-TIRE period!!! Wtf is up with that? I dunno if this is a good thing or what... I don't usually eat lunch, and I usually keep to myself or stick with my closest friends... What am I going to do now that I'm just starting here? I dunno what this schools policy is. They might not let me hide out somewhere... they might make me stay in the lunch room the entire time. (Don't bash me for being bashful >.>!!) Oh well... I can always do homework during lunch. Or avoid being seen by teachers and manage to hide... I should be ashamed.. smh....

Well i already gave the deal on Algebra 2... I might need a tutor for that... then there is English 3 honors.... BIYOOTCH!!! WTF?! Honors was a last minute thing for me AND I'm a transfer, right?! Well, how bout there was a freaking summer reading assignment that NOBODY bothered to tell me about. Good freaking thing I went to the open house and found out! This woman said no exceptions man. There was me and another girl, she was hispanic. And she told us that we had to be able to keep up so we still got the assignment anyway, with only FIVE DAYS until the first day of school! My dad jokingly claimed it was a prejudice thing, but its not always about color and I don't see why he would even tell me that, just so I can form some grudge over my teacher. That was unnecessary, trying to put thoughts in my head lol XD She is right though.. It's honors class and we took on the challenge... We have to be able to keep up, no exceptions. Madre was all like get ready to fill out those papers [to transfer classes] as if I couldn't handle the challenge. O ye of lit'le faith. HAHA I finished!!!!! BOOYAH! *does the in yo face dance*

Nah I'm just kidding. They didn't think I couldn't not do it hehe XDD That made no sense =o

Anyways... now time to go over it and make sure its perfect or at least well enough...and then must... set up the notebooks for my classes and pack my bookbag... Wow... I'm starting school again tomorrow... No more all nighters... This has been possibly the best year of my life..... so far...

Only love lets us see normal things in an extraordinary way

Nice quote, ain't it though?
Its the background on my phone.

G1 baby. Finally turned back on too. Got a new FL phone number as well.

Funny story about as well... I think I only want to give a shortened version. Of course, I could copy it from my history in an MSN conversation buuuut I just don't feel like it. So basically the gist of it was that they messed up my phone number once, i called to fix it...they messed it up again and defeated the purpose. I called again and they couldn't fix it. Then the next day pops got involved and unfortunately all hell broke loose unnecessarily. Poor T-Mobile employees. lol

Also got my hair braided back up.


Been a while XD!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Just to... (r.o.a.s.t. moment 14?)

Post. Yehh. Just to post. ([update?])

I have orientation/open house at the school today. Tonight at 6. Can't wait. Then I pull my disappearing act in about 5 days. I'ma miss person*... I wonder if what will come is a good or bad thing...

I'm kind of sick right now. It's been a throat thing for the past few days, but now its branching into a nose thing too. It's always a head thing though, that's no different. It's a blessing when these headaches cease. Anyways, I got this junk of a head permed...although I almost drowned in the process. Good ol' Madre XD! (Exaggeration.) She also told me that if we didn't neutralize it, my hair would all fall out. (Not exaggeration.) Except, I wasn't protesting getting it neutralized... so that little tid bit of information tainted my dreams last night for nothing.


We went to the library yesterday. When we came back we were supposed to paint but supposedly we're leaving that until sometime this morning. Whatever. I can wait. Not like there is furniture or a bed to sleep on in there anyway.

.....Oh yeah! I upgraded from the floor in my room to the couch in that extra room, for the past week. What's funny is that when I actually lived in my room I kept it so clean but when I started sleeping somewhere else, THAT room was clean and my room became filthy. I'm so weird......

Anyways I got this book I used to read when I was little. All throughout my childhood we would find this book, check it out, take it home and read it. No one seems to remember it though. Tootie would, if she were here. I guess it was only her and I that read this book. It's called Where the Sidewalk Ends. Has anyone read it? Click the title of the book. It's a link. Lol...

I got three other books aside from this one, all from the poetry section. I swear I had to stop myself and get out of there or I would have literally checked out every one of those books. I even put back 4 other interesting stories, throughout my browsing... I've got a book of laughable limericks.. a book of nasty endings... (going to read that one right now) and a book called Camelot, consisting of original Arthurian stories!

Lets get to reading.

Shall we?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I haven't been posting lately

I guess I just didn't feel like it. It's not like I didn't have stuff to talk about.... Shooooot lots of stuff has been going on lately lol. And I've had lots of free time too. I guess I just didn't feel like blogging that much. I have been reading occasionally, though not that much. If you noticed, I've been commenting too.. My comments end up looking like they could be blog posts themselves, sorry about that. =3

Umm... I had some other stuff to say but I guess I forgot =/

Sorry anyways... I'm going to go get back to doing things! Like writing... Yeah baby. I've been getting back on it. No thanks to you all. You completely ignored my last post! What up with that man?! That was a good idea >.> Helpful for me and entertaining for you D= Whats the point of following if you don't want content? I get like... ONE commenter (and occasionally some other folks jump in sometimes too, yall know who you are - don't get angry!) and I don't think she even follows this blog LOL. I'd hate to have a bunch of empty follows... Its like whats the point? Blogging to me isn't about just getting a high number of people to follow me D= It would actually mean something if people commented on these posts... I mean if they aren't interesting don't follow =o (I won't be offended if you unfollow. Disappointed, yes. But not offended... take your freedom and run with it!) Hmm... forgot where I was going with this again... Anyways, I'm going to get back to writing. I've got multiple things to work on, dude and stuffs going well... so anyways... Later! Get back to me on that work of the week thing I mentioned in that other r.o.a.s.t. post =o!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

This would be r.o.a.s.t moment number 13

I'm just trying to figure out this site now. I made one last year and never used it. I made one again this year in April and STILL never used it. I'm not sure I exactly know how. I guess you just post your work on there... get feedback and what not. Is it even worth it? I used to get feedback and such from TFS. I stopped going on that website though. I've never gotten any feedback from blogger :-/

I've posted stuff on here multiple times, though. Let me know if you haven't read anything and I should gather all of the links, if I should write some new and post it on here, or if I should post you some things I've already written. Or if I should just do all three. If you want me to write something new, give me something to write about. IF you think I can handle it (;

Actually... I might make this a thing... lol - I like to do that if you haven't noticed. (hehe, the title...haven't done one of those in a while, right?)

Okay, what I want to do will happen once a week. You guys give me a topic you want me to try writing about. I can make it into a poem, or a short scenario. I can even try writing it into a song. I'm not so good at song writing but if I practice at it, I can only get better. Right? So what will happen is I'll make a post about the work of the week, you put your idea in the comments, and when I get it, I'll write about it, edit the post of the week and add the work you wanted me to do into it =o! Sound like an okay plan? This will give you some extra stuff to read, and something to do when you're bored, vice versa for me but it will also help me improve in my writing! Just as well you can give your feedback on what I've written. Don't come at me with rudeness, I want acknowledge it and you'll be blocked. :-/ Constructive criticism is wanted and needed. I'm a kind of sensitive person I guess, so if it completely sucks ass, please try to be nice about it while you're telling me. =(

Mmm.. if you're for this, then I'll start us off in the work of the week with something I've already written, since its the end of the week. The ideas you'd post in the comments on that one will be for next the next week.... probably starting on Sunday if I can wait that long.... OR!!!! You could post your ideas for THIS WEEKS work of the week on this post right here, since its only Thursday....and I'll just... get er done... lol.... Why do I always get ideas for things at night and in the middle of the night?! Well... right now I guess it is the middle the morning?

Funny thing happened... I was bored all day, and slightly upset that I never had a chance to speak to him and what not... That's where I get my whole thing about not wanting to read about - you'd see that on my secret blog though. (it's hiding. if you wanna find it you know how) So I stopped being all bored and i turned off the TV. I decided to watch some podcasts I downloaded from iTunes (they're freeeeeeeeeeeeee!) So I was going to watch straight through the 170 something "Dilbert" animated cartoons i had but I was feeling drowsy and eventually fell asleep :-/

Then I woke up late at night all well rested for once except that I want to go back to sleep and I can't... hahaaha So I try to figure out stuff to do, then get back into this stuffs. HE's back available but we still don't talk yet. No way am I going to be the one to stimulate the conversation first o.O... I dunno why I'm like that... I rarely message people first. I don't like to impose myself on people either so I'm not going to message him first tomorrow either. Am I just a tad bit stubborn??? Not really a Pisces trait i don't think so BOOYAH there's one wrong for the astrology...folks.... They're also wrong about HIM. He's a taurus but he doesn't behave as how one is described at all... It's as if our roles are reversed >.> Also... I just had ice cream! It was great!!!! My mom rocks <3

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Brother man is going on a date!

with this girl he met named Kiara. He always corrects me and says its pronounced kee-air-uh... I always call her kee-are-uh... Most likely because of the Lion King sequel lmao!

Mmm another good thing.. Madre is going to schedule me an appointment to have that thing I mentioned taken care of... another good thing after that. I found my glasses! With my foot XD

I don't think I had time to mention that I'd lost my glasses by the time I woke up this morning. Also... anyone hear about the 87 year old woman who'd gotten beat down by the police in a WalMart parking lot? Click here if you haven't heard. Spread the word around about that. Show others the video from youtube. You can do that by clicking the youtube logo on the video and it will direct you to the video straight from youtube. If you're a regular youtube user than you already know how to do that, though. Boy, I sure have said the word youtube a lot in this... Anyways.... Call your local radio stations, send in the video to your local news. Police Brutality. Is it not a crime? Danggg... What do you think about this?!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Please Ma'

I think this is it.

Reassurance but not enough. I want it gone. For good.

Not as planned

I planned to do those ball exercises immediately... but i got distracted on facebook and now im in the mood for singing and im singing right now... this might take a while... dangit... lemme stop getting distracted and procrastinating and tihs lmao... how in the world...


6.21 miles on that stationary bike! Woo...! a few more things to do in that area and then i HAVE to shower... im ickkk lol xD after that I should do some more productive things. I think I'll take a crack at studying the Bible some morreee... then I'll get back to writing! Woo... make myself busy XD after writing I'm going to read... and play around with Dakota if I have time...

Mmmm time to start those exercises with that ball thing.. then Ima do some made up ones and dance around and stuff hehe its fun, especially when you can't!!!!!! OOhh... I've got to work in some time for singing in there...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

What's with 17???

I've got 17 followers... I've got 17 days....what a coincidence. I wonder what is up with 17.

Well. I've got 17 days until I start school. I was in home school for my sophmore year, minus one month. Travel nursing parents. We're all good now though. Settled I hope. I say I'm not moving again but what can I do if we do? Nothing lmao.

So....I've got 17 days until I can get in school. I'm going to fill up my time with so much work and as many new people as I can possibly fit, annnnd hopefully a job as well so there is no time left for me to realize I don't have a life. And then maybe I actually will have a life. Maybe, I'll have created one by then. That'd be awesome. 17 days, count down with me. (<3) feels like my life. That aint good XD

I shouldn't be depending on someone...needing someone... Sure (<3) is really close to me and apparently doesn't want to lose me but its not what I want it to be (how do I know? I'm guessing). You know they say if you love something and let it go, if it doesn't come back to you it was never yours to begin with... I wasn't even thinking about that phrase when I tried to let (<3) go... But (<3) came back. (Does it count for that situation?) I don't understand why I don't believe its possible for anyone least of all (<3) to love me... Buuut I don't =o!

Oh well. I'll work on it. I don't want to try and let (<3) go this time. I couldn't take it xD plus...there is the off chance that maybe (<3) won't come back =o. So... I'll endure it. I'd rather have (<3) in my life where we're at than not at all =o.... There will be others though I don't want them to...I'll just have to get it out of my mind so I don't let my feelings for (<3) get in the way of future relationships. Right about now it feels like no one can compare to (<3). No one will ever measure up. It feels like (<3) is the only one for me, made specifically for me but what the hell do I know? I just have to get over that. I'm a strong person in every way. I don't specifically want to get rid of it even if it isn't returned. I don't want to feel this way for any other and I don't think I ever will lol (but who knows right? stuff happens. I'm young). I'll speak more about this later without being so darned vague. Buuut it won't be on this blog. So if you've read about what I said earlier then email me about it. Ask and you shall receive.



I don't want it to be just like this. its like all or nothing...what can i do though... wait til i can't take it anymore XD and thenn let (<3) go again, but this time for good. no more talks and then we're back to being how we were...just friends... i can't take much of that but...patience is the key. I just wish that if it is returned (<3) would at least let me know. (<3) knows who he is if he's sneaking and reading this blog. so (<3), love me or let me go. Let me know if your heart is mine so i don't have to live life wondering and being miserable. If i had a dose of reality and just knew the answer was a complete no... it'd hurt like hell...but it'd help me to get over it a bit. (<3), you say you care but if you did you would spare me this mess and get over with it. don't use a dull axe just whack me off with the guillotine.

exerpt from conversation

somehow when i was talking to (<3) i ended up in this rant right here. I decided to post it. Enjoy.

At last my grandparents are gone =D, they waited to the very last minute before they left to belittle jr's relationship with this girl. they are going to the movies on tuesday i find out as well. im so glad they are gone. jerks. also when we prayed see this is why i dont like praying with other people. they think that because they are actually in the church nobody else knows the lord, nobody else prays or tries to live by him. they might as well have been saying "GOD FORGIVE THESE HEATHENS OF THEIR FOOLISH WAYS"

and my auntie shayla has a habit of forcing people to pray but i see my relationship with God as a personal thing. I already dont like to share things about myself with other people so why would i share my frakin heart and inner most personal thoughts??? God's the only one that needs to hear D=


oh and by they are going to the movies i meant jr and the girl
and im so glad my grandparents are gone
annnd jr is my brother. he's older than me. we say his name as JAY ARE. He's named after my dad but we just call him by this nickname. oh annnnnddd my auntie shayla had nothing to do with this situation. i just threw her in there because she went along with the whole judgmental thing. my parents have a bar as furniture because it looks nice and matches the rest. its the other piece. they don't even use it. yet when we unloaded it from the truck my judgmental ass of an aunt goes "Ima pray for yall". She's the one allegedly cheating on her ailing husband so she can have a back up if he dies... she's the one favoring her youngest daughter and making her oldest daughter feel like crap about herself and a lot more. but when they get in front of us they pretend to be the perfect family. we see through it and what we don't see, my cousin tells us. beatin my cousin over the head with the bible and telling her she's going to hell every step of the way. oh yeah. who needs praying for? We all do >.> and somebody needs to practice what they preach. stop judging and condemning folks to hell. nobodies job but Gods, though there is something somewhere contradicting in what i am saying but I won't say more until I learn more. I'm just so sick of things and people like this. The next time, I promise you, whether its my aunt or anybody i'm going to give them a piece of my mind if they try to force me into prayer AND if they try to slight us like everybody's been doing ESPECIALLY when it comes to my brother AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST if they judge how much faith we have, for us when nobody knows our hearts but the Lord, himself.

Poo poo PU!

A woman named Pooh is going to braid my hair. It will take all I have to not bust out in a solo of "WINNIE THE POOH. WINNIE THE POOH. TUBBY LITTLE CUBBY ALL STUFFED WITH FLUFF. HE'S WINNIE THE POOH. WINNIE THE POOH. WILLY NILLY SILLY OLD BEAR.!" I can almost feel the "Winnies" and "Pooh bear"'s bursting from my lips. "Hey Pooh pooh where's Piglet??"

Hehehehehe sorry =/

I can't wait til Pooh braids my hair. I'm ever grateful. Oh and funny thing =o! My auntie shayla used to be called Pooh when she was a baby. The day my mom told me, i was on and off sleeping throughout the day, all through Tom & Jerry (i've come to the conclusion that Jerry is a douche. Sure, Tom does his wrong as well... but lots of the times Jerry is just where he doesn't belong. Tom's just doing his job. Of course Tom does get kind of douchalicious at times. Trying to eat the poor mouse >.>).

I'd wake up and watch a whole scenario or two then go back to sleep and wake up and do it again. My mother caught me during sleeping time after she's came home and woke me up making me play a freaking guessing game with her while I'm still half sleep >.
I guessed my auntie shayla's nick names... all but Pooh. Even BIG HEAD. First thing to pop up in my head. There was a story about it. My aunt had an exceptionally large head so they called her head a big head and she thought this was the proper name for the thing resting on her shoulders so when she would hit her head or anything, she would go to my grandmother and say "mamaaaa *tears* i bumped my big heaaaaaad *sobs*".

So, of course you can see how my natural choice would be big head. Especially seeing as how i'd never even heard the story about them calling her Pooh... All i've heard was that my mothers siblings were all horrid to each other and had horribly mean and embarrassing nick names. Well anyway yeah thats that ladies name.

Btw, I googled those Pooh lyrics. I had them all wrong and I knew it, so! Google it is. lmao. Ok now it is really time for me to go to sleep. 12:13am. This is a first. I'm getting closer and closer.


Friday, August 7, 2009


busy busy weeks. sorry i haven't had much time to post lately. It's late now...which is saying something for me because usually i'm well into the next day...and I'm starting to get weary with sleep lmao. I've been filling out job applications with for the last part of my day...the rest of it has been really busy and kind of crazy. I'm oh so tired of family members trying to just get what they can get lmao. but its all good. I don't care XD. I do care about getting a job though. I've filled out a handful so far, but I'm going to start going to these places in person. Oh and, I got a bike =D It's kinda powder blue. I lovvvve it. I'll snap a picture of it eventually. I am totally in love with this bike. Forget that broke down busted car. Lmao i'm just kidding. I love that car to death. Just wish I could drive it. And get it repaired... but I Think instead my dad just wants to get one at a buy here pay here place. This may be why my folks let up and are letting me get a job again. yayyy.!!!! gotta pay insurance hehehehe and gas! finally!!! responsibility. a job is really going to help me focus on school as well, if anyone can understand that. if not, lemme know in the comments, i'll explain later. but not now. i'm sleepy. which is really a good thing. I need to be getting ready for school to start and sleeping on time. hell i need to get registered in the first place but my parents dont have the time =/

i wish i could register myself.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Today has been a great day

I unmasked the superhero...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Redefinition

Of a silent sleeper

Silent Sleeper:
A person who has decided to so quiet about their feelings that it is as if their true emotions have taken an eternal sleep.

And this is what I shall become.

I'm no softy =/

Even through all the bull my sister has put me through... A friend showed me something... I'm still lucky to have her, and I would choose her any day over not having a sister at all. My mom told me something too that affected me a bit. She told me not to be like her and usually I'm the one with the good heart... though I planned on not emailing my sister back. So... I went ahead and did it. Kept it short and simple. I'm not tryna get on a personal level with her again... or let her that close to me that she could hurt us again.. but keeping in contact would be nice I guess, though she really dogged us. I'm not even going to breach the subject of her leaving, or anything else in the past. But I'm not going to pretend like none of it happened, and I pray she doesn't either. We'll keep it short and simple - How's the weather. lmao

Does this make me weak for talking to her? No way I'll ever trust her again. No hearts on my sleeve with her =o Got my guard up, it's gonna stay that way.

The luck thing I've mentioned is kind of contradictory to me though... I mean... i don't really believe in luck >.> it's more of a state of mind. So really when I say that I mean, that it's a good thing I have an older sister, because some people have no one. And through all that wrong she's done we've still had great moments. She's not a terrible person. Forgive but never forget.

What should I do?

I made the stupid mistake of adding my sister back as contact on gmail. Look what happened from that. She sent me an email.

"BRI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i missed you guys soooo much you cant even believe!!!! your not online right now but send me a message when you are even if im offline and tell jr to get a gmail Love you


You should easily be able to see from my last post how I would think what she's said to me is complete bull. My natural response to that email is to just leave it alone. No response at all.

I posed the question with two friends of mine, not receiving an answer from either yet because I just emailed, and one is not at his computer to receive the instant message. What I asked the first person, a girl, was that doesn't everyone deserve second chances? But it popped up in my memory that my sister has had a lifetime of second chances. From me, from everyone. I'm not going to bitch out by falling into her crap this time. Even talking to her would prove that it is just that easy for her to play me, as always. I would email her back and just give her a piece of my mind...our side of the story but who cares? Like always she is not going to hear me out at all and tell me MY OWN side of the story. Which happens to be the same as hers by the way. Always. So, in the end whatever I have to say to her about anything will inevitably be wrong. If she can't make it so she's right in my eyes as well, like she usually does, then she will invent some crap. Complete lies and bull. This time I can imagine it. "They said I had to leave and go with him, Bri." Something along the lines of that. Anything you can imagine or can't. She will come up with it and try her hardest to convince us that she was right or the reason she couldn't email or call was because she was "scared". Dammit that is her FAVORITE excuse to use. Hell no, I'm not falling for it this time. I'm not going to email her back. Not that she cares if I even do, but if I did she would be winning.


In the world is Mariah Carey using auto-tune??? Ok that is unacceptable. Intolerable. Especially for a freaking R&B singer. I can't even stand that all these rappers are doing this mess, and now Mariah too? She wasn't that great of a singer to begin with though so I guess this is why. You can hear it in her voice in this diss song to eminem, which is actually kind of funny but why in the world is she stooping to his level? Great character Mariah. By the way a real singer doesn't use auto-tune. All these people need to stop following trends as well. Why in the world is everyone shaving their heads? Bow wow had it right though foreal. I read that onnn this blog, here. nice post by the way =o (GIA@TRUE LIFE*: i'm married...etc....) Its trippin me out man... and shooot... my grandparents are coming in the morning at 10am and im still awake. i plan to be asleep by the time they get here so I am going to stay up for a bit while longer hehehe >.> but this is the end for this post, all! good night you loverly people.


Monday, August 3, 2009

It was complete bull shit(sorry)

So... do we all know that my sister has been estranged for some time now?

My parents left us at home and were counting on my sister to be there for us but one day she just without a word, abandoned us. I've long since gotten over it so I won't list all the things she has done to me personally in the past, and all of the things she has put my ENTIRE family through. Why dwell in the past? It won't solve anything and frankly, I just don't care anymore. I'm past done. Far past it.

This next part I have to include to explain the situation that just went on. When we were home alone, she lied about being raped to get her boyfriend from Virginia to come down where we were. The next day he got here they were jumping the bones, non stop, at it like rabbits, and yes. We heard it it all. Every single time. They knew it. Just didn't give a shit. We didn't snitch on her though. My mom called from Cali to talk to my sister about a Job Corps opportunity. Who all has heard of that? Job Corps or Job Core? Who cares. Well my sister wasn't into starting her future and her own life. What she wanted was to be able to do everything she wanted to do, under someone else roof, having them support her. My mom called asking to talk to her about it but we were too scared and disgusted to go brother did it eventually and she got lectured or whatever by my mom and Sam had to go home, back to Virginia. So the next day she claimed to have been waiting at the bus stop with Sam since he wasn't allowed to wait in the house but she never came home. Didn't even say goodbye, not even to my brother. He called and her boyfriend, Sam, answered and told my brother that my sister was with him - sam. She never answered her phone or any text messages. This was about 3 months ago, i believe. According to the old text messages in my phone.

The reason I bring all of this up is because a few hours ago she an my dad (of all people) spoke - briefly of course; she claimed to have a concert of her friends to go attend. First of all she replied back to my fathers "hello" with this "..............hi" as if it was just awkward to even be talking to him - when he saw her online and sent the message. They had a conversation like acquaintances who didn't want to speak to each other would have. My dad sent a mass email to everyone attached to his label, not caring or remembering that my sister was still on the mailing list so when my dad told my sister we'd moved to Tampa, she said she already knew from the email and told my dad that she was still with Sam, and she lived in Richmond, Virginia. More short meaningless chatter and she says that she "thought about them every day literally" them meaning my brother, mother, and I. Okay number one... when my dad asked her how she was doing she replied back with fine and asked how my brother my mom and I were doing but didn't say anything to my dad about how he was doing. When she said to tell us she missed us and thought about us everyday literally...she didn't even mention my dad. Messed up, because he didn't do anything to her AND she left of her own accord AND he was the one to talk to her first. My mom didn't even want to hear from her, she too is way past done. She's been past done for far too long. Number two: that claim to thinking about us everyday is complete bullshit. She knows where to call. She had both my mother and my brothers phone number. She has mine too, but my phones been off for almost as long as she's been gone lmao. She knows my grandmothers address to send a letter or to even drop by unexpectedly if she felt like she had to come home - of course that would be her second resort because she'd return to the house in Prattville to find nothing and no one there. So she'd only have to ride another hour and a half to Grandma's city. Aint no way not to be able to find my grandmother's house either from however you get in there. That town is so small. We've traveled through it so many times over the years that she should know it like the back of her hand by now. Or at least the way to my grandmother's house. If it wasn't that and she wanted to stay where she was but was still missing us or whatever she could have called or even emailed if she wasn't ready for voice conversations yet. My brother called that woman 50 levin times and each time she did not answer ever. Not even once. How does she explain that? She got a new phone? She still has the numbers, especially my moms. I know she knows that by heart, and she still has her contacts in email. Yeah she cared alright. She cared so much that she would leave when her parents were relying on her and grateful for her being there, just because she couldn't have sex in their house and didn't want to quiet down so her younger siblings didn't have to hear that nasty shit. Even though all of the time she isn't fond of her baby sister she cared so much not to tell her baby brother who adores her that she was leaving even when majority of the time those to are freakin thick like glue too. That's how much she cared, that's how much she thought about us. I'm sure that was everyday.

Lmao that she still thinks its just so damn easy to play us. Lmao that she still thinks we care enough to be played. I love her and wish her the best but I won't have her in my life again. If ever she manages to get her life together than we can talk, but that's it. In the past she put me through so much stuff that a child shouldn't have had to deal with but whatever, its okay. I forgive her, but not for her, for me. What hasn't killed me has made me stronger.

Uh oh

Wow man... My grandmother, grandfather and baby cousin(infant... i think her name is caitlyn... i don't remember) are coming tomorrow. So sooon. I didn't even realize. I mean at first I was excited to have all these visitors back to back but now I've got a little taste of this break and I'm hankering for some more. (hankering? who says that. that reminds me of the twinkie that was on family guy, i think [what was it?] - "he hankered for a hunk of my ssa" LOL)

Oh snap man... I started this post awhile ago too..and i was planning on saying more but i don't remember exactly what more was. i got distracted reading other blogs. oh and i been writin baby!! heck yeahhh. idea came to me in a funny position XDD i can't keep going though man it's 4:00am and i should go to grandparents are coming tomorrow... i need to write more....

why did i start this post, again?

i don't remember what it was but i had a reason for starting this post and i was going to say something that actually might have meant something too but well...that's out the window. oh. random thought. i hate when family members sneak up on you just trying to eavesdrop don't even announce they are there, you have to turn around and bust them and they have to figure out something to pretend to be doing. also i hate when somebody will get up to "stretch" and stand five feet away from their seat to do it and try to crouch down and see what im doing, be it the computer or whatever, while they think I'm not looking. that shit kind of insults my intelligence. how do you think i wouldn't know what you are doing?? thats just some dumb mess man. makes me want to get out of here. i can't ever be heard out dammit. spying is not the answer. you can't build common ground through spying, for one. and if you have an actual relationship with your child then THEY will come to you with something buy you cannot force them and you cannot pry. how many times do i have to stress that point? all that leads from doing these things is resentment, a loss of respect, and a distanced child. the relationship you were trying hard to build gets crushed. they can't get close to you... dang... i was trying to say something but i dont remember. i need to take my sleep ssa to sleep. XDD guess who i would be if it were the seven dwarves?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ok, I've changed my mind

Sorry folks. But leaving "My Freedom" right out there in the open seemed like a bad move to me... I mean yall could find it... How could my captor not find it? xD

Welp... I unlinked it from my profile. SO if you actually WANT to see this blog then just email me to give you the link. Come on now, that's not so hard =o You would have had to go to my profile anyways to find it =/

I dunno though. That blog isn't anything special. Just my ACTUAL person thoughts. And stuff. It's things that have been going on, or running through my mind that I can't let go here or even on paper.

BTW, thank you all my visitors to the "Ignorant Teenager" blog. and a special thank you to the people that ACTUALLY FOLLOW. You guys are great =DD (btw, if you couldn't comment... I fixed it) That junk must be interesting or something which perplexes me.... I just can't understand why anyone would want to read my opinions XD! But waiiit... Isn't that what the whole blog thing is about? LMAO my bad yall. Ignore that last paragraph. Man I just think its so weird to look at my traffic map and see all those people visiting this blog, even from different countries. Then I look at my tracker thing and see the actually numbers and its just awe-inspiring XD! I should probably post more, than. Shouldn't I? LOL I know I've been lagging. I need fuel though. You guys need to keep sending in more emails! That's all I've really got to say for now though XD! I think I will have some more posts today, but maybe they will not be on this blog for once ;]


This episode of Roseanne is tripping me out. It is most definitely wrong to abuse your kids but there is a difference between abuse and discipline. A bad kid needs to be spanked because majority, that sit in the time out chair Super Nanny tries to teach doesn't in reality work. especially not with most families. (my opinion.) Spare the rod spoil the child.

That's why their kids are so bad in the first place. The new age parents that don't believe in spanking their children because of them getting spanked themselves...they turned out fine. Look at their children though. Not obeying them...just acting wild like Be Be's kids....they've got no belt... I applaud the parents that have honestly well behaved children - even when the parents aren't watching - and didn't at all have to spank their children. I wonder what their methods are...

Anyways... I'll just say this... I and my brother...and plenty of other family members and friends I know were raised with the belt... and we all turned out fine. After awhile we didn't even need the belt. Hell I'm still getting raised and I haven't had to have the belt in years. It's not that whole teen thing either. Bump that. You can spank a teen. I know I will. Hey... Madea can do it... Old school parents can do it... Why let em while out in the teen years because you think they are too old to get spanked...

Oh yeah.. and of course there is always one. Know what I mean? Always one bad apple out of the bunch. Not in every immediate family (at least not always) but in every family in general. Extended included. Unfortunately of our family, extended and all, my sister is the bad apple... We're all a bit mischievous to some degree but none as bad as she. She just seems to be made of a ball of pure evil. Everyone can change though, right? I find i take no solace in that. Lord restore my faith.

Celebrate good times COME ON!

This is my 135th post... I don't think I even acknowledged when I reached a hundred but whoop dee doo for me right? XDD! Yayy =)
Also I've been blogging for about 9 months. Hmm... how long have we been traveling, ma? oh yeah... since August...(i think)

Anyways... It's 4:30am

I should go to sleep soon. But I've got that new site I've previously mentioned up and running. The first post is about to be published in just a second. Just sayin' ^,^

Anyways I'm hoping all of my people here reading are having a wonderfully sleep filled, dream filled night =))))

I dunno... I might be suffering from insomnia or something XD!

Sitting here watching Roseanne. Who else is with me? Lmao, Leon is such a manipulator. I can't stand to be around people like that. It's just dirty XD


I think this is my favorite song of that movie... Aside from when Kiara was singing with her dad. Buuuut i didn't like that one too much because of the way Simba's singing voice sounded... it got a bit annoying lol. I dunno if I like this song better than the ones in the first movie, though! I do find myself watching the sequel a lot more than the original. I guess I just like that one better....

Don't get trapped into this.

This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that doesn't end. yes it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because...

Don't you just love Lamb Chops???

Lmao! Sorry to torture you, people =/

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I love this song.

Heaven by Jaime Foxx.

Love it to death


Don't tell me Mike's gotten to be old news for folks... naah. here he lives on. Just kind of sucks that i've been out so lately (okay that doesn't suck) and i haven't gotten a chance to read any news...

a friend just told me that michael jackson had a fourth son. older than the rest. named Omer Bhatti. I dunno but this looks pretty real to me. He looks exactly like him, everywhere but the nose. he doesn't have that jackson nose, but he's getting there Lol... cheeks...eyes... chin... guess he gets his hair and skin from the other side =o but....he kind of looks like michael just spat on the ground and out popped him. He dances so well, too... not as good as his daddy but still an amazing kid, i think... I wonder what they are gonna do if they carry on with the blood test an find out he is michaels? probably keep on living life as is, since Omer Bhatti, or rather, O-BEE isn't in the will...

here's a video of him dancing... A friend of mine said he isn't as good as his papa, and the problem there is he's alone. Michaels Best dance videos had a him and his dancers and blah blah blah =o. i think this friend is right.


Yo homie yo homie yo homie yo.

sorry for the worthless posts. we'll call this my apology post.

i apololie. (its late and i am a tad bit sleepy)

lmao my cousin was hassling me about staying up with her tonight. Then, I fell asleep in the car on the way home from the Park which was grounds for more hassling. So we get home and I'm wide awake. She doesn't believe me. More hassling. Then pops in the movie "Mad Money" and this girl is out like a light.

Mr. BigStuff.... (rolls eyes) oh yeah.. Ms... whatever

Been a long day (almost)... and they are going home sometime tomorrow, i think. they've been here for a week! I'm pretty much ready for them to move in though. LOL
then.. august fourth (i think) my Grandma Cena and my grandfather, and my auntie brandy's baby are coming to visit.. dunno for how long though. then after that my moms parents are coming...then after that miss mildred (lamill) and trenice are coming...and the rest of their fam... lotta visitors...but im glad though =o

well i didnt finish this post til 2:02 and i know i started it waaaaaaaaaaay before that. so im going to give it a rest and make that new blog site TOMORROW. sorry to lie to you =/

Uh oh uh oh uh oh oh no no

I just felt like making that the title. it isn't related to my post lmao.

umm.... oh yeah... i forgot to mention...that my blog that says "Ignorant Teenager" Isn't the one i spoke of in that last post about "My Freedom" I just wanted to clarify. I have trouble doing that sometimes.

that one is probably going to be called "my freedom" lol

im about to make it now. sorry for the confusion if there was any :S

short posts aren't usually in my character but i feel like doing some right now. this would be the second, to my count. i don't remember if i've done any other like that.......

Did I?

Making something out of nothing?

Its possible


I been gone these past few days and apparently I was missed.... *rolls eyes*