Monday, August 3, 2009

why did i start this post, again?

i don't remember what it was but i had a reason for starting this post and i was going to say something that actually might have meant something too but well...that's out the window. oh. random thought. i hate when family members sneak up on you just trying to eavesdrop don't even announce they are there, you have to turn around and bust them and they have to figure out something to pretend to be doing. also i hate when somebody will get up to "stretch" and stand five feet away from their seat to do it and try to crouch down and see what im doing, be it the computer or whatever, while they think I'm not looking. that shit kind of insults my intelligence. how do you think i wouldn't know what you are doing?? thats just some dumb mess man. makes me want to get out of here. i can't ever be heard out dammit. spying is not the answer. you can't build common ground through spying, for one. and if you have an actual relationship with your child then THEY will come to you with something buy you cannot force them and you cannot pry. how many times do i have to stress that point? all that leads from doing these things is resentment, a loss of respect, and a distanced child. the relationship you were trying hard to build gets crushed. they can't get close to you... dang... i was trying to say something but i dont remember. i need to take my sleep ssa to sleep. XDD guess who i would be if it were the seven dwarves?