Thursday, August 20, 2009

Just to... (r.o.a.s.t. moment 14?)

Post. Yehh. Just to post. ([update?])

I have orientation/open house at the school today. Tonight at 6. Can't wait. Then I pull my disappearing act in about 5 days. I'ma miss person*... I wonder if what will come is a good or bad thing...

I'm kind of sick right now. It's been a throat thing for the past few days, but now its branching into a nose thing too. It's always a head thing though, that's no different. It's a blessing when these headaches cease. Anyways, I got this junk of a head permed...although I almost drowned in the process. Good ol' Madre XD! (Exaggeration.) She also told me that if we didn't neutralize it, my hair would all fall out. (Not exaggeration.) Except, I wasn't protesting getting it neutralized... so that little tid bit of information tainted my dreams last night for nothing.


We went to the library yesterday. When we came back we were supposed to paint but supposedly we're leaving that until sometime this morning. Whatever. I can wait. Not like there is furniture or a bed to sleep on in there anyway.

.....Oh yeah! I upgraded from the floor in my room to the couch in that extra room, for the past week. What's funny is that when I actually lived in my room I kept it so clean but when I started sleeping somewhere else, THAT room was clean and my room became filthy. I'm so weird......

Anyways I got this book I used to read when I was little. All throughout my childhood we would find this book, check it out, take it home and read it. No one seems to remember it though. Tootie would, if she were here. I guess it was only her and I that read this book. It's called Where the Sidewalk Ends. Has anyone read it? Click the title of the book. It's a link. Lol...

I got three other books aside from this one, all from the poetry section. I swear I had to stop myself and get out of there or I would have literally checked out every one of those books. I even put back 4 other interesting stories, throughout my browsing... I've got a book of laughable limericks.. a book of nasty endings... (going to read that one right now) and a book called Camelot, consisting of original Arthurian stories!

Lets get to reading.

Shall we?