Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Is it Ironic?

Is knocked for a loop a phrase? I think I've heard it somewhere but I'm not sure I got it right... that is it then that's what I am.. knocked for a loop. I spent the morning thinking about how I always gravitate towards 'piously unattainable' people as friends and love interests and then I even blogged about it later. And one person I mentioned who was piously unavailable as a friend, used to be my best friend too, then we lost contact. That person actually emailed me today - just received the email like an hour ago, responding to an email that got sent to everyone in my contacts list. I didn't think anything of the email that was from me i just let it get sent to everyone because I was to lazy to unclick all my contacts. What really surprised me that the person I mentioned actually responded to the email...But whatever though... getting back in contact with people is always nice... Just thought that was kind of weird maybe a bit ironic that I was just typing out the blog and then there's an email. Seems like a higher power was involved, but why?

Just how I feel...

Cornered inside a cosmos of befuddlement, it is not known where I correlate.

Gravity pulls me constantly towards the piously unattainable.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Where the Sidewalk Ends brings me back

This book brings back just about every memory of my childhood. I guess I get it from my mother but I have always loved poetry even at a young age. I've always loved to read and write and I guess it is just in me to be a writer. This book brings back memories of bonding with my older sister and brother, which were my happiest times, being accepted. Where the Sidewalk Ends brings me back to my first school, and all the trips to the library, and then to my last elementary school, finding my childhood stories again. It reminds me of trying to find that book again, just months ago, while we were out in California for that long time, and found the used book store. Loads of great books, a dollar for paperback and just two for hardcover. Maybe I should try to find it again. Shel Silverstein was my favorite author as a child.

Creative Writing

I am thinking that i want to put some of my writing on this blog. Give a little bit more of myself. But I am afraid that if I put something up here that I've written, someone else can steal it and take credit for it. Though I'm not sure who would want to do that or why, I just feel that it might happen. My brother has told me about the poor man's copyright. Email the work you've written back to yourself and that serves as proof of the date you've written it. Apparently that can hold up in court so I've done it with all of the work that I've written and I'm going to continue to do that. I'm still not entirely comfortable with posting my work and sharing it with others, but then again, who exactly reads this blog anyway? Ok listen, if someone aside from Kiah actually reads my blog or just decided to read it one day, could you please click the follow at the bottom of the page? You don't actually have to follow and read every pointless thing I write but it would be nice to know if someone actually bothered with this. If you do happen to click follow, I will return the favor..and most likely actually read yours too! If anyone could give comments as to whether I should post my work, and if they would give constructive criticism if I did (not haterade, just tell me what I could do differently and/or better) that would be really nice (: And also if anyone knows, could they let me know how other people find out about blogs? As in how will people be able to read mine, or know I have one, aside from people I already know that already know my blog also.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Month of March

Haven't really blogged much lately.
Though a lot of stuff has been going on I just haven't felt the need.
It's been a pretty busy month aside from me turning 16 on the 13th. There was a lot of crap that happened but nothing that i care to put on blast though.
And seeing how everyone goes through different things in their lives, my pain isn't any greater or lesser than anyone elses. With that said I don't really feel the need to vent or put any of my fam drama on blast. But its giving me new inspiration to keep writing and to think a little bitter harder about my future. Too be honest I've been thinking a lot about my future for the longest, when most kids couldn't care less but now I've finally gotten somewhere, and am at a point where I feel comfortable and confident, instead of worrisome. So~! Uh, now it's the end of the month and we are settled and comfortable in our home in Alabama. My parents just left yesterday. I wonder how this time alone is going to be...for all of us. For me it will be the same as when they are here. I still won't be able to do anything because I have to depend on other people for everything based on their rules which limit me. The only difference here is dealing with my siblings attitudes alone and be forced to live on their schedules. Now I am limited even more. They use the fact that my parents say we all have to go out at the same time, to their advantage. I only get out of the house when they want to, when they bother to tell me that they are going somewhere. I've been through this system before so I know exactly how its going to work this time. It is extremely unfair because you know they are not going to do anything unless it benefits them somehow. The only people my sister and brother think about are themselves to tell the truth, so I might as well just try and keep to myself for these three weeks. Now anyone should be able to see why I am so focused on my future. I don't want to have to depend on anyone else when I should be able to support myself. I hate being limited by others. Well this is the month of March for you. Not a very detailed description, really but this month just doesn't mean so much to me anymore.