Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm right you're wrong by way of TECHNICOLOR TIGER LILY

This post was on some real talk so I had to pass it on. This girl mirrored my feelings exactly!

Original post by Lily @ Technicolor Tiger Lily

Facebook fights are the best.

I have a few friends that are atheist, which I don't have a problem with. I don't judge them from what they believe, or don't believe. They're good people, that's all that matters.

& Sometimes they put things in their status that offend those bible raping Christians out know who you are. You know, the people who jack off to a bible & walk around believing they're the chosen one, & every one who looks unholy needs to be preached at. Well, all those people start to comment & try to stick up for Christianity while they use run on sentences, fragments, hideous grammar, & don't spell anything right. It really pisses me off to see. If you're trying to stick up for something, use proper grammar! Try to look & seem just a LITTLE bit intelligent! It is a huge pet peeve of mine to look like an IDIOT while you're trying to back up your claim.

I love God, but I don't love when people who pretend to be Christians & act like they do every thing right, & they should shove all of their beliefs down every one's throat, even mine. Don't preach to me if I'm not at church, please. That's why I go to church, to hear a preacher. I will talk about God any day with you, but only if you want me to. Not because I'm just going to do it any way, whether you like it or not. I'm not the type to talk about something with people they're not comfortable with. It's like mentally raping a person. If they don't want to hear it, DON'T TALK TO THEM ABOUT IT.

Religion is a great thing, but not when these dumbass people try to turn it into something that glorifies THEMSELVES. You're supposed to go out into the world with positivity, & wisdom. Not madness & ignorant behavior.


Original Post by Lily @ Technical Tiger Lily

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