Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Emil Alzamora

Monday, January 26, 2009

Personality Analysis

K, sometimes ppl over look stuff like skip pictures and read words first... well ok I do that sonetimes... so I decided to rewrite it for whoever didn't look at the picture yet (though you may have looked at it by now with my talk about the picture thingy) or otherwise the blog I wrote underneather this (I added the previous as an afterthought) wouldn't make sense. So its my handwriting personality analysis and it says that I plan ahead, and am interested in beauty, design, and appearance. I'm depressed or dejected. (???) And I am emotionally confused. I am a talkative person (true). And I am independent and do not depend on other peoples opinions. It also says that I am critical, scholarly, and analytical. Ok I'm done lol... The following was written around 7 and i just edited this at 9:49.....though I don't know why the time is important. ----- I was very bored and so I went to It is a very good site to go to when you have nothing to do =) . I did a personality analyzation test online through my handwriting... It is surprisingly accurate too. Sort of got me down to a T. My hand writing is very up and down. I also wonder how it did this. Like how it gave me the results that I got...and why they are correct... I mean because it really does describe me lol..anyone that know's me...Well it probably just generates the same thing every other time and maybe I just got lucky with mine lol... Didn't mention that I'm often very hyperactive. I also like to stop and think about things.. Well that might fall under analytical.. I like to try and find the meaning of different things... and I try to think of things in all the different ways possible. A few times I might be blindsided and not see a different way of thinking, and those times I want to learn from my mistakes. My way of figuring things out sometimes is to put two and two together. When I answer questions, trying to figure stuff out my dad refers to it as answering SAT questions...but I never really learned it that way, I just think that way.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Haven't Blogged in a hot Min.

So I thought I'd let...who ever reads this crap... know whats on my mind since I haven't blogged about anything important in a while. Well the easiest way is to say nothing is on my mind and then be done with it...but of course that would be a lie. It'd just be the easiest because there are so many things going on underneath this skull at once! I could maybe start by listing the things going through my mind and then maybe later discussing them... For one, past mistakes and current situations have really been going through my mind a whole lot. I've been thinking a lot about love family and friends, and really trying to figure out what it all means. I've been thinking about my future.. where I'm headed and how I'm going to get there... And I've been thinking I really gotta make some procrastination for one. Sometimes I can beat it and I'm getting in the habit of doing that but other times I'll be procrastinating to the extent that I'll put off going to fix something to eat for what ever reason! ..5 hours later i be in the kitchen bout to fall out! Well you can obviously see how that is a problem. Also I should be doing school work at the moment but I've been finding all kinds of other things for me to do on the internet all afternoon! (woke up at 1) So I'm settled. Decided that to be able to get things done I'll need to have a game plan. Though somethings don't require a gameplan and having one for those certain things might make me stray and avoid doing them =/ lol. Well if I'm finished with this blog then I'll have a quick bowl of cereal, grab my water and come back in and get it crackin! My school work game plan is to complete at least 3 assignments in Geometry and then move on to biology the next subject I need to catch up on and complete atleast 3 assignments in that. This may take me a while too but if I'm able to do more than I will move on to spanish since I'm nearly complete with the english course. And Tomorrow I'll start with my english essay on Julius Caesar. Then complete the patterns again this time beginning with Biology and then geometry and then spanish. And once I've completed all those courses, which shouldn't take me long if I stay on the game plan, I can go back to working on my last semester of World History which shouldn't take me long either since there are only 19 assignments and if thats the only one I've got to work on left all day for however long it takes, I'll be finished in no time! And now....GamePlan in Motion!


When she walks away from you mad===[ Follow her]

When she stare's at your lips===[ Kiss her ]

When she pushes you or hits you===[ Grab her and don't let go ]

When she start's cursing at you===[ Kiss her and tell her you love her ]

When she's quiet===[ Ask her what's wrong]

When she ignore's you===[ Give her your attention ]

When she pulls away==[ Pull her back ]

When you see her at her worst===[ Tell her she's beautiful ]

When you see her start crying==[Just hold her and don't say a word ]

When you see her walking==[ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ]

When she's scared===[ Protect her ]

When she lays her head on your shoulder===[ Tilt her head up and kiss her ]

When she steal's your favorite hat==[ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night]

When she teases you===[ Tease her back and make her laugh ]

When she doesn't answer for a long time===[ reassure her that everything is okay ]

When she looks at you with doubt==[ Back yourself up with the TRUTH ]

When she says that she likes you==[ she really does more than you could understand ]

When she grabs at your hands===[ Hold hers and play with her fingers ]

When she bumps into you===[ bump into her back and make her laugh ]

When she tells you a secret===[ keep it safe and untold ]

When she looks at you in your eyes===[ don't look away until she does ]


When you break her heart===[ the pain NEVER really goes away ]

When she says its over===[ she STILL wants you to be hers ]

When she repost this bulletin===[ she wants you to read it ]

- Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything

- DON'T let her have the last word

-always call her when you know somethings wrong

- Pretty and beautiful is soo much better than hot and sexy

- Say you love her more than she could ever love you

- Argue that she is the best ever

- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go

- When she says she's ok don't believe it, talk with her

- because 10 yrs later she'll remember you

- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her

- Call her before you sleep and after you wake up

- Treat her like she's all that matters to you

- Tease her and let her tease you back

-Stay up all night with her when she's sick

- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid

- Give her the world

- Let her wear your clothes

- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her

- Let her know she's important

- Kiss her in the pouring rain

- When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is;"Who's ass am I kicking today baby?"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

When Asked Hows Life...

I respond with:

well i guess its fine since there isnt much drama for me as for everybody kinda in the sidelines observing.... by myself =/ lol im uhh really wanting to go home but i know i can't so im suckin it up and not mentioning it to my family again..for the sake of my family... and aside from that crap it sucks really bad when theres something u want more than anything but can't reach it... so yea thats it in a nutshell...

And when asked what it was that I really wanted...
I respond to the answer... I plead the fifth...
Atleast it wasn't a lie..

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

That 'Novel' I just wrote

Wait a minute... how did the subject end on jobs and stuff?? I'm sure I was initially talking about meeting people and what not...

Aww This Sucks!

They suck. As in my sister and brother. Well we kinda new it would be inevitable that my sister would meet somebody here...she's a guy they gravitate towards her with some kind of majesty. But thats fine, its how its always been ya know... So me and my brother were the ones left who didn't know anybody.. which is weird since he works with all these people... Well I was content with it being us lonely I mean if I had to be alone someone else had to, too right? That wrong? I think it is.. Well now my brother's gone and met some nice little girl named Shamika (I say nice little girl because 'some girl' sounds kinda harsh) and he's going on a date tonight! Which means I am now the only one who doesn't know anyone in this podunk town. So, now I've got to be alone, alone... if that makes sense... What sucks worse of all for this is that, being the baby, I wasn't aloud to go places alone...not even sure if I even am allowed now even though I am older. But if I am (can't remember if it has been mentioned that I am) I can't go anyway because my phone if off and out of service... (I really want the T-mobile G1 and a job so I can pay my own bill -possibly- and so I can pay for gas for my car -just got a car-). Oh sweet sweet I know why they call it that... I can get a job when I'm 16 without people caring about my age and 'child labor laws' and having to fill out 'paperwork'. I can drive my car alone when I'm 16... drive to my job... I would say I could drive to the mall in Santa Barbara while I'm still out here in California...But that would involve me taking the freeway and ... well thats a whole other story.. So I'm gonna stick to the bus when I have to go to Santa Barbara... I wish I had a phone on so I could go out and look for jobs by myself. Lord knows no one else is going to go with me (Though I have to go with them when I have to go somewhere, they are never willing to go! Fair system right? I hate being the 'baby'.) As I said I really want a phone to use so I can go out and look for jobs on my own, but my current one is out of service plus I really want that G1 anyway! Now my mom offered to get it when she could but right now their doing cruise stuff for my birthday bringing almost my entire family along also, and bought my car. So I didn't really want to ask them to get it, thats the main reason why I want a job, so I can get the phone myself! But to get the job, I need a phone, to go out by myself... ain't this dandy... Well my old one can call 911 thats rly all I need for now. She also offered to go half and half with me for the phone when I got my first check for the first job...Now in the time it's gonna take for me to actually get the job (I've hit up every place in Carp. barely ne place was willing to hire a 15 yr old besides Tony's but my sister took that job behind my back, though I had just got hired with a horrible lady that I could tell was fake within the moment that I met her and didn't want to work there, plus she was gipping me, didn't tell me what real minimum wage was in Cali and paid me under the table.) Any way, In the time its gonna take me to get a job, if I even can, before I'm 16, and in the time its gonna take for me to get my first pay check AND work up enough money for the phone, my folks will be able to get it for me anyway. But I really do not want to mooch. I just want to be 16 already man...It seems like it will be much easier by then... 3 months... 3 stupid months... Need a job!!

This really puts a damper on things...

I guess the whole editing picks is not for me! I only have the trial version of Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 and I've been bending over backwards trying to get codes for that as well as Adobe Photoshop CS4. My friend was supposed to come through with that last one but she gave me a faulty code =[ . Maybe I'm not supposed to have a hobby...or allowed w/e. Now what to do with my time? Guess I can catch up on even More school work. Hm... is it bad thing that I don't have a passion? I guess I like to write but I'm not so good at that, and I don't do it so often...Uhh man... I need to get a job.. Yet another reason why 16 can't come fast enough!


Finally found a hobby. I'm actually interested in photoshopping photos. Hm..I'm not exactly good at it...but it is something to do. Dunno if ima keep it as a hobby...just trying it out for now. It was fun, but also very difficult... I'm really not that good at it though so maybe I'll try somethin else out and then blog that. You know I do kind of blog a lot (not on myspace)...And I love to write.. Maybe that's my hobby ... ? Ehh I'll figure it out eventually...maybe... Is a hobby really so important? Don't know. Let's find out!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Random Nothingness..Haha Yeahhh...

My blog before was kind of bland and dim. The content didn't really make sense.. but I can't delete Everything. So I redecorated, added new stuff..And I'm going to sort of shape my content...Of Course it's all still going to be random nothingness.. because you know..thats me =] but I guess It's sort of going to have some kind of meaning. I like for things to have meaning and I like to search for the meanings of things... I'm actually a sort of philosophical person, which is a characteristic of a pisces.. Also being imaginative..which I am that too.. I'm not sure if I really buy into all the horoscope things, or hold much stock into it though. But some stuff seems slightly interesting.

random conversation

oXsweet0escapeXo (1:18:35 PM): so what's new with u?
kiah2snicka (1:18:50 PM):
Same as yesterday
kiah2snicka (1:18:54 PM):
Hatin kids
oXsweet0escapeXo (1:19:00 PM): oooo
oXsweet0escapeXo (1:21:50 PM): hey when u get old and have that first boy and half to pay me a hundred bucks u gonna hate him and be mean to ur grandkids and say get off my lawn sonny!! runnin down the street in a bath robe and house slippers with a cane and a shower cap shaking ur fist in the air like aangry grandpa? ... i might.. as a gag.. it'd be funny... i'd tell one of the grandkids to hide in a bush with a futuristic camera and catch the whole thing.. but i might just do it riding in my hover hovercraft.. with bright green and turqoise blue... hot pink... not sure what color green but it'll match =]]]
oXsweet0escapeXo (1:21:58 PM): wow that was random.. i should blog it
kiah2snicka (1:22:34 PM):
kiah2snicka (1:22:39 PM):
So random
kiah2snicka (1:22:51 PM):
Especially the shower cap part lmao
oXsweet0escapeXo (1:22:53 PM): dont forget my hundred bucks...
oXsweet0escapeXo (1:22:57 PM): lol
oXsweet0escapeXo (1:23:00 PM): ==]]]

Monday, January 5, 2009


A-Z Survey cause theres nothing better to do
A - Available: maybe
A - Age: 15 nd 9 months
A - Annoyance: myself =/
B - Bestest Friend[s]: my buddy bob*
B - Birthday: march 13th
C - Crush: happens when happens
C - Car: luv my baby! pink ford contour lx!!!
C - Candy: reeses = guilty pleasure
D - Day or night: depends
D - Dream Car: dont need one ;)
E- Easiest person to talk to?: um..
E- Eggs: great =]
F - Favorite Month: i guess march
F - Favorite color(s): green pink blue
F - Favorite Memory: 5th birthday
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: love the gummies... cant discriminate
G - Giver or taker: give when i can take when i given to
H - Hair Color: all kinda weird colors on its own but right now its in reddish braids which kinda actually matches my natural color in the sun
H - Height: 5'7'
H - Happy: yes
I - Ice Cream: ehh
I - Instrument: oy
J - Jewelry: its all at home but i love rings!!
J - Job: had one, quit due to racist boss gettin a real one when i go home
J - Jail: Never!!
K - Kids: Umm...
K - Kickboxing or Karate: i did karate
K - Kindergarden: i was 5
L - Longest Car Ride: georgia to california
M - Milk Flavor: i like vanilla and strawberry
M - Most missed person: Ummm....
M - Movie: Fantasia (not barino)
N - Number of Siblings: 3. yes 3.number 3 knows who he is!
N - Number of Tattoos: Zero
N - Name: Bri
O - ONE WiSH: a restart
O - One Phobia: feet
O - One regret: Saying and doing stupid things
P- Pet Peeves: bad *** kids keep puttin their feet on me next time them feet r gettin chopped off!
P- Part of your appearance you like best: umm
P- Part of your personality?: umm
Q- Quote: idr
Q- Quick or Slow: why??
R - Reason to smile: God woke me up?
R - Reality TV Show: umm
R - Reason to cry: anger frustration sadness
S - Song Last Heard:stupid tell me somethin i dont know from a commercial =[
S - Season: Spring.
S - Shoe: i love my lebrons and my echos
T - Time you woke up: 12 somethin
T - Time Now: 2:54
T - Time for bed: whenever
U - U love someone: everyone?
U - Unpredictable?: sometimes.
U - Underwear: wear it?
V - Vegetable you hate: not a big fan of squash.. is that a veggie?
V - Vacation spot: dont matter
W- Worst Habits: repeatin mistakes, not letting go, saying and doing stupid things.
W- Where are you going to travel next?: bahamas with my auntie n them
W- Weather right now: dunno
X - X-Rays: never got one to my knowledge
Y - Year you were born: 1993
Y - Year it is now: 2009
Y - Yellow: ugly at times =[
Z - Zoo Animal: TIGERS!!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sort of...

Got an early birthday present. Kind of. Pink Ford Contour Lx. Bought and Paid for! Gotta wait to drive it when I'm sixteen though - thank God we'll be back in Alabama by then though. I was so excited when I saw them test driving it and then when we paid the deposit! March cannot come fast enough man.... We're gonna ship it to my grandmother's house later on! them bad behind kids better not touch it!! Jeez as if I need more reason for this travel assignment to be over. But looks like we'll be here for another three months this summer which completely sucks. I was so excited to go home.. Don't know If I can take much more of this stuff though.....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

If you know me at all!

Ok so, my homegurl...lets call her know..don't wanna put her business out like that. But ok here I go again. So my homegurl Bob* Is like my only audience for this blog. Wait.. Now tell me why I'm even posting this then??? K back to the subject. She finds my blog somewhat amusing and wanted to get people to read it. But I so callously told her it was completely pointless to have someone come read this blog. They would find it drab, boring, and idiotic. I mentioned that people don't listen to me when I speak, why should they listen to me when I type? They shouldn't because I have absolutely nothing interesting to say at all. Years of experience of being ignored or tuned out almost as immediately as I spoke gave me this knowledge. OOOh... I probably should have left that out this may label me as loser or LAME! Lmfao.... Maybe I should say a little bit about myself... Sometimes I am extremely hyperactive..depends on my mood or whats going on. I can get annoyed or frustrated depends on what button you push. Sometimes if there is just something so completely outrageous, unexpected, or dumbfounded words will completely fail me.. I have many flaws.. for a while I've been really failing to keep the peace.. I've been letting people get to me and then beaten myself up for it afterwards... sometimes, i realized, i can be just a little bit too hard on myself and I realized a big problem.. How can anyone else love you if you can't love yourself? So I'm working on that too.. self image confidence and all that jazz... but enough about that.. I just forgot why I decided I should say a little bit about myself... Its completely failed me.. oh well.. should I say anymore? maybe.. lemme start with that at times I can be extremely forgetful.. and othertimes I can remember things that others can't.. and some memories just won't fade. Well I move around a lot.. And Bob* helped me realize that with each new location I became a new me - and thats not always a good thing. I haven't seen Bob* since I was still at Etowah in August and after my first year there, Bob* was the only one I kept up with in the summer, now that I moved again Bob* still keeps up with me... Other people that I thought were even closer to me than Bob* didn't even bother to keep up with me even with the few feeble attempts that I made. So in a way Bob* is like the best friend I never had - we don't really share everything but we share enough and never *run for the hills* what was this about??? Oh yeah it was.... nope it lost me... well this post is done.. wait no its not! now I remember!! Bob* told me I need a catcher for my blog...that would make it more interesting.. but what exactly... I do not know. "It's all about the content". My content really just consists of random nothingness.... hmm.. this blog describes me to a T. random nothingness. But yeah I really do need a catch though.. just gotta find a topic... got one for my next post though (from television.. i watch a lot of that)

TV Show

I always say we should have our own tv show - like when i'm around family or friends... I guess I just surriound myself with goofy and fun people because we always end up acting silly and then there is my favorite line (and most played out by now) to say "we should have our own tv show". We attempted at making a webshow once but never kept up with it for one because we couldn't figure out how to record on the webcam.. or never bothered to learn. And now I've got a webcam that I know how to record on and I haven't done anything about a webshow!

New Year

Really got nothing to say about it... Feels the same as any other day... Not turning over any new leafs.. don't really have the need. Maybe I'll just strive to be a better person than I've been... though I've already been doing that. The one resolution I will make is to not make any resolutions or promises that I can't or won't keep.