Monday, August 3, 2009

Uh oh

Wow man... My grandmother, grandfather and baby cousin(infant... i think her name is caitlyn... i don't remember) are coming tomorrow. So sooon. I didn't even realize. I mean at first I was excited to have all these visitors back to back but now I've got a little taste of this break and I'm hankering for some more. (hankering? who says that. that reminds me of the twinkie that was on family guy, i think [what was it?] - "he hankered for a hunk of my ssa" LOL)

Oh snap man... I started this post awhile ago too..and i was planning on saying more but i don't remember exactly what more was. i got distracted reading other blogs. oh and i been writin baby!! heck yeahhh. idea came to me in a funny position XDD i can't keep going though man it's 4:00am and i should go to grandparents are coming tomorrow... i need to write more....


Anonymous said...

Oh, I love grandparents lol.

hankering is a good word:)

Communism is their's like a radical republican. Like...extremely all the way to the right.

It's when the government owns the businesses, so every one basically has to do what they say. It's truly messed up.