Friday, April 30, 2010

Jejejejeje - but I'm not spanish

Shawn asked me how my diet was and I replied with, "Fine."

"Lost any weight?"

I falterd... wait a minute... "I'm not on a diet...I'm not trying to lose any weight."

"No, I don't mean that, I mean with your new change of diet, sometimes you lose weight with that lack of protein."

"I take multivitamins."

I lost weight through starvation by laziness, but I won't mention that... Changing that pattern, though. Trying not to be a lazy bug.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Dear Dakota,

I want you to know before the inevitable happens that we tried with you. But you kept on destroying. You even snuck back into the room through the whole in the screen wall that YOU created and destroyed more of our stuff. How can we continue to vouch for you? I really doubt that there will be anything we can do to save you and keep you with us. Maybe your new family will put you through puppy training, because I doubt that's the route mine will go in. We even found a school for you when we went to the festival, Saturday. But you just couldn't last without destroying something else until my parents got home...

I'll be missing you.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dear Kanye,

Dear Kanye,

Thank you for such a big mistake, all that while ago, ruining Taylor Swift's moment. Your inability to think at that moment will continue to provide laughter for us many days to come. It seems to never get old. What helps the most is everyone's own twist on the joke, keeping it fresh, all the while embarrassing you. If you hadn't done something so stupid, what new idiot mistake would have taken your place? It's hard to imagine the possibilities. I just want to say again, even after all this time... Thank you...for being such a dope.

FDWL (fan dying with laughter)

Gotta love Nature...

" A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I made a boiled egg last night but in the end was too full to eat it. I tried this morning for breakfast, but it was extremely hard and cold. Temp in minifridge was too high. I left it out all day to see if I could crack it when I got home... still cold and hard. So I took it outside and threw it hard against the ground. It cracked, but was still in it's eggy form! =o For some reason, it just didn't feel as cold. And it felt completely normal inside.... I must admit, I was tempted to eat it. But, it's in the garbage now.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Hmm... I seem to have figured out why I was obsessed with Twilight for that brief period of time. I'm "Ehh" with it now, though :) Personally, I think Meyer may have ripped off several people but who knows, who cares? I AM a bit sick of the whole love triangle thing, though... Every story has to have one. It's played out. Then again, that may fit in with the whole "rip off" theory. Some of the stories I believe she copied had love triangles, too! Lol... never put that piece together.


So, I talk to my bird like he (or she, for all I know) is a person. He looks at me as if I'm a strange creature from planet Glibgarb. Before we got him, he didn't have much contact with people, so he didn't talk much. He also bit. Gradually, he started making odd noises, sometimes saying words, and even singing with you occasionally. Most of the time, though, he talked when you leave the room (sometimes just to get you back in the room). Now he's a bit more interactive. It's a lot more than when he was given to us, so I'd say there's progress being made. I'll continue to talk to him like he's a person, and maybe he'll learn to converse. I'll also teach him what a boy and a girl is so he can tell me what he is....

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Now, you know...

Now, you know somebody really has their head up their own arse when they walk around quoting themselves. ~Briana Stewart

(No, really, I'm kidding. That's just an example. This dude I used to go to school with quotes himself all over his facebook page. His status updates...his about me... his quotation section!!! It's hilarious.)

Killing me softly.

In the heat of a moment, it feels better to give in to the anger. Way better. But after, there's loads of regret. You're out of the haze, and you realize you overreacted. You see all the reasons why you shouldn't have been angry at all in the first place. Why you shouldn't have said or did what you did. Why you just made yourself look like a fool. How do I...not get lost in the heat of a moment? It happens before I even realize.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Robbed and Ruined

So, I've come to the conclusion that these acne products do not work. What's America all about? Making money. Duh...why didn't I realize this sooner? I started using Ambi when I only had the occasional few pimples... When I started using it regularly, it exploded all over my face. I went on to try different things... it only got worse. People always say that when you use the products it brings the acne out of your face first to get rid of it... it's been months now, where is the getting rid of it?! That's when I realized today that the pimples will never go away as long as I keep using these products. 1. The products are probably clogging my pores even more. 2. They want me to keep buying their products...that's why it's not going to work. I'm going to have to keep buying and buying to clear up my face, and if by chance a product happens to work, if I stop using it my face will explode with zits again. So, I figure I'm just going to have to stop with the specialized products. Find some regular soap and see how that works. My sis says when she was a teen she had a really oily face. She just washed her face with soap, rubbed alcohol on it to get the oil off and used a moisturizer, then she was good. My aunt swears by using Doves bar soaps on your face to keep the monsters away... maybe I'll try something like that. Dove, alcohol, moisturizer. Hopefully I'll clear up. This facial situation is really pissing me off. I never should have started with Ambi... BS! lol