Monday, August 24, 2009


I start there tomorrow. Back to school! WOO.

I've been out for a year, and I thought it would be a breeze, just a walk in the park.

I was wrong =.=

As soon as I got in there the nerves were seriously kicking my ssa. I don't even know what it was. I just felt like I was swimming in a shark pool. They were about to devour me. This is the open house meeting I went to the other day, by the way. I got all of my classes. American History, English 3 honors, Algebra 2, LUNCH (osn, lunch is an ENTIRE period at this school), Spanish 2, Critical Thinking, Chemistry Honors, and African American History.

Okay lets give a run down on each thing I've mentioned. I'll start with the hot button of African American History. I walked in there, my class wasn't full of anything but black people. "AWESOME." Said my brain. I saw Mr. Cool-Looking-Man standing in the corner on his high tech cell phone looking professional and like he just didn't care and naturally, I assumed that man was the teacher, waiting for all his soon-to-be students to get in the classroom for the open house.... and then a white woman walked in. Woo baby, this is going to be an interesting class =D! Lets all try to keep an open mind and not be judgmental, though, alright?! I would like to see if anyone objects. Now that's going to be messed up. Everyone in my family was surprised to learn she was the teacher. Hell yeah we all thought Mr. Cool-Looking-Man was the teacher! He's African American, by the way(pointed out the obvious?).

Chemistry Honors. Science is not my strong point but I have to take this and push myself if pharmacy is really my chosen career path, and I believe strongly its my calling. I'm going to find a tutor for that class as well as Algebra 2. I'm okay in math usually, but last year in home school I didn't do so very well and I want to make sure I do greatly this year. Critical Thinking. That class was required. Stupid Florida. EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT. I have EIGHT CLASSES!!!!!! Granted one of which is a lunch period for me but Still!!! We only had 6 in Georgia... Even without me taking harder classes this time around, this year would still be difficult because there is so much more required. It's all so different. Anyways, I have no clue what that class is about. Pops thought he knew but it was something totally different from his college critical thinking course. Next! Spanish two. Spanish, I did OKAY in. But a lot has been wiped from my memory already. Too bad this course is required. I don't know how well I'll do, but Pops gave me a set of something that had CD's in it and it is to learn the Spanish language in just 3 months. I figure, if I do that then I'll do fine in Spanish class without requiring a tutor, which can get sort of pricey at times. OSN!! Lunch is an En-TIRE period!!! Wtf is up with that? I dunno if this is a good thing or what... I don't usually eat lunch, and I usually keep to myself or stick with my closest friends... What am I going to do now that I'm just starting here? I dunno what this schools policy is. They might not let me hide out somewhere... they might make me stay in the lunch room the entire time. (Don't bash me for being bashful >.>!!) Oh well... I can always do homework during lunch. Or avoid being seen by teachers and manage to hide... I should be ashamed.. smh....

Well i already gave the deal on Algebra 2... I might need a tutor for that... then there is English 3 honors.... BIYOOTCH!!! WTF?! Honors was a last minute thing for me AND I'm a transfer, right?! Well, how bout there was a freaking summer reading assignment that NOBODY bothered to tell me about. Good freaking thing I went to the open house and found out! This woman said no exceptions man. There was me and another girl, she was hispanic. And she told us that we had to be able to keep up so we still got the assignment anyway, with only FIVE DAYS until the first day of school! My dad jokingly claimed it was a prejudice thing, but its not always about color and I don't see why he would even tell me that, just so I can form some grudge over my teacher. That was unnecessary, trying to put thoughts in my head lol XD She is right though.. It's honors class and we took on the challenge... We have to be able to keep up, no exceptions. Madre was all like get ready to fill out those papers [to transfer classes] as if I couldn't handle the challenge. O ye of lit'le faith. HAHA I finished!!!!! BOOYAH! *does the in yo face dance*

Nah I'm just kidding. They didn't think I couldn't not do it hehe XDD That made no sense =o

Anyways... now time to go over it and make sure its perfect or at least well enough...and then must... set up the notebooks for my classes and pack my bookbag... Wow... I'm starting school again tomorrow... No more all nighters... This has been possibly the best year of my life..... so far...