Monday, April 12, 2010

Robbed and Ruined

So, I've come to the conclusion that these acne products do not work. What's America all about? Making money. Duh...why didn't I realize this sooner? I started using Ambi when I only had the occasional few pimples... When I started using it regularly, it exploded all over my face. I went on to try different things... it only got worse. People always say that when you use the products it brings the acne out of your face first to get rid of it... it's been months now, where is the getting rid of it?! That's when I realized today that the pimples will never go away as long as I keep using these products. 1. The products are probably clogging my pores even more. 2. They want me to keep buying their products...that's why it's not going to work. I'm going to have to keep buying and buying to clear up my face, and if by chance a product happens to work, if I stop using it my face will explode with zits again. So, I figure I'm just going to have to stop with the specialized products. Find some regular soap and see how that works. My sis says when she was a teen she had a really oily face. She just washed her face with soap, rubbed alcohol on it to get the oil off and used a moisturizer, then she was good. My aunt swears by using Doves bar soaps on your face to keep the monsters away... maybe I'll try something like that. Dove, alcohol, moisturizer. Hopefully I'll clear up. This facial situation is really pissing me off. I never should have started with Ambi... BS! lol