Monday, March 30, 2009

Creative Writing

I am thinking that i want to put some of my writing on this blog. Give a little bit more of myself. But I am afraid that if I put something up here that I've written, someone else can steal it and take credit for it. Though I'm not sure who would want to do that or why, I just feel that it might happen. My brother has told me about the poor man's copyright. Email the work you've written back to yourself and that serves as proof of the date you've written it. Apparently that can hold up in court so I've done it with all of the work that I've written and I'm going to continue to do that. I'm still not entirely comfortable with posting my work and sharing it with others, but then again, who exactly reads this blog anyway? Ok listen, if someone aside from Kiah actually reads my blog or just decided to read it one day, could you please click the follow at the bottom of the page? You don't actually have to follow and read every pointless thing I write but it would be nice to know if someone actually bothered with this. If you do happen to click follow, I will return the favor..and most likely actually read yours too! If anyone could give comments as to whether I should post my work, and if they would give constructive criticism if I did (not haterade, just tell me what I could do differently and/or better) that would be really nice (: And also if anyone knows, could they let me know how other people find out about blogs? As in how will people be able to read mine, or know I have one, aside from people I already know that already know my blog also.


AUDREY said...

I really would like to read your work! It would be really nice! You don't know me and I don't know you, but I know how it feels to have your own creativity stolen.

I think the e-mail thing is a good idea, but I think there might also be some free copyright services out here on the net, if you look.

iforgotmyname said...

Woah I didn't even see that you commented until i clicked edit post... sorry for getting back so late, and thanks, that means something to me =] ... I think I might post something...gotta figure out the right thing first... thanks for the comment [=