Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Bedtime Story

once upon a time, there was a little girl who read an amazing book and loved it very much. just a couple years later she found out they were making it into a movie. to her dismay she found out that zac efron would star in it. she kept hope alive that maybe he would just play charlie as a young boy and they'd switch to an adult, more manly...buff and stuff. then one day the following year, she saw a commercial for said movie during some lame award show, and found out that it would feature zac efron all throughout. the girl didn't know whether to be overjoyed at her book coming to life on screen, or clinically depressed because zac efron would be in the movie the ENTIRE TIME. She was conflicted. And so, she resolved to murder the director, a man called Burr Steers. The End.


I'll edit this later. Make it into a real story. Add all kinds of imagery and details. Maybe include a description of just HOW i would murder Burr Steers...