Sunday, October 11, 2009

They ate it

My cooking, that is.

I realize that that is the last thing I blogged about.... 8 days ago. Sorry! I haven't really felt that there was anything I should post about. Right now I should be finishing up the American history review and then seeing if there is any other home work I need to do before Monday. My entire weekend was wasted. Well... not exactly :)

I spent Friday night and well into Saturday morning talking on SKYPE to a very.... *searches for best fitting word* .... wonderful? extraordinary? splendifforic? BINGO! - a very splendifforic person. annnnd then I slept my entire Saturday away. BOGUS.

I woke up at 11 and I've been up to this point in time that it is right now :S

I've also been procrastinating. I've gotten no writing done, and I have not finished this review. I feel highly ashamed. What can I do to change this pattern? I need some sort of structure or something. I continue to grow, yet still I regress. I cannot stop the procrastination. Can anyone be of some sort of help, that I may better manage my time???

Annnnywho! How have you all been? What's been going on? And... IF you choose to answer... no lame answers of "fine" or "not much"

an actual answer would be much appreciated! small talk stinks :)

<======= that was a link, by the way!