Saturday, September 19, 2009

I changed my... blog

First time in a while ehh?

I am going with this theme. Butterflies. Mariposa. It means butterfly, in Spanish. I can't remember why or what it is, but there is a reason for this theme here... Part of it has to do with India.Arie's song "Butterfly". If anyone listens to that song... would you mind telling me just exactly what theme it is that I am going for?

Anyways... right now, it seems I'm all about the R's... or re's... idunno... reconstruction, renewal, rejuvenation, redefined... I'm redefined.

In a good way, I'd think. Anyways, I'm not going to apologize for not posting, because I'm not obligated to, or getting paid for it... but I will try to post a bit more often. What the blog used to be, even with its someone new layout seemed to attached to what I used to be. Wait... what was I? Mmm.. I wasn't anything bad, I don't think. But I wasn't exactly or entirely what I am now. Whatever that is....

Okay, enough of that.

Next post is update time.