Saturday, September 19, 2009


I hadn't really been posting on my secret freedom blog lately. Neither have I been posting on this one but that's just because I haven't felt like it. I've been posting here occasionally though. On my freedom, I hadn't been posting... at all. lol I think i had like 1o posts up there. And I realize why now, is because I don't need to.

We hold in our hands, the most precious gift of all: Freedom. The freedom to express our art. Our love. The freedom to be who we want to be. We are not going to give that freedom away and no one shall take it from us! -Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider

I ran to make another blog so I could be free and truly express myself, and I didn't even take advantage of that... because doing that would be taking freedom of speech and expression away from my own self, by not posting how I really wanted to on this blog, just because I thought someone whom I wouldn't want to look at this would....

If that makes no sense than, sorry. I started this blog out not really caring about having followers... I was just blogging like it was a journal. It was something with which to occupy my time and vent when i didn't want to spill the beans to all my friends... and then there were followers and people actually read it... granted not many, compared to other blogs, but more than I'd expected... The blog began to attempt to be something else, and be all about my followers and my readers, and what should I do to entertain them, or at least not bore them to death... but its not about the followers, sorry to say. I don't mean to be selfish, or all about the me show but... IT IS RIGHT NOW. I'm sorry. Gearing my blog towards readers is exactly what is taking my freedom away... that's my own fault though, not the fault of any readers... So from hence forth, this blog is all about ME. and it will truly be MY FREEDOM. Time to reshape and reform. It's what I want on here, when I want it on here. If you choose to unfollow me because you disagree with what i've said then deuces, baby! No hesitation.