Saturday, September 5, 2009

Maia Campbell

So... the video about how her life ended up got put out recently. Anyone remember her? She played Tiffany on "In the House" With LL Cool J, Kim Wayans, and Alfonso Ribeiro (spell check - carlton from fresh prince)

I just saw something that I found funny and felt the need to point out... That so many people are posting on different websites about her situation and the gossip that's going on, and how hard her life is and that she needs help, people should leave her alone.... while they are sitting there posting the videos themselves, so more people who AREN'T going to be as sympathetic, and empathetic, can sit and laugh and gossip about her life and what happened to her some more. Honestly.

Posting that video of her is only contributing to the gossip and you all know it. Its not going to help her at all if everyone in the world knows. Do you think everyone in the world genuinely cares, or is this just another juicy story of celebrities gone wrong? Is it just juicy gossip for you? If so, you should be ashamed. There is no point to posting that video up on every single site. Its not like anyone of you can reach her or help her out, or even knows where she is - and if you do, more power to you; get off your butt and go help her.

Pats on the back for people who aren't saying negative things but the world, and a good amount of people aren't going to see it the way you do. In all honesty, for most its just juicy gnikcuf gossip, so what is the point of putting up that video?! It's only spreading it around. Don't be part of the contribution to make this girls life worse than it already is (by spreading it around so that EVERYBODY AND THEIR MAMA'S KNOW.) Clearly in the video she expressed that she didn't want to be filmed and that they were in her business, where they didn't belong. The person who filmed the video did not have the consent to do so. She didn't want her business out there like this. That's not something to be proud of. Therefore, you had no consent to post that video all over the internet. Its an invasion of privacy. Put yourself in her place. Just because she took a wrong turn, and happened to be in the eyes of the public beforehand does not mean she is not still a human being.

That's the problem that pisses me off so much. People think celebrities are these android/cyborg beings that don't feel pain, or have their own rights AND constitutional rights like everyone else. The general, unspoken rules of human decency do not get applied to celebrities, but here's the surprise... THEY ARE PEOPLE. WE ARE THE IDIOTS WHO CHOSE TO ACT LIKE THEY WERE SUPREME BEINGS.

I think i'll end this one right here. I was about to go on a rant and i want to get back to playing the sims 3. that game kicks major ssa. <==== word is backwards