Monday, June 8, 2009

How my mind works...

It's really a strange thing man.
How it works? I have no idea. I do know that I cannot clear my mind for anything in the world. I just don't know how. I'm always thinking of crap. And over thinking crap. It just never has a rest man. One day I was going to relax and just let ideas for writing just come to me. So I sat down for a minute...and started thinking of ways to relax... Wtf frozen banana!!??? And I really didn't know how dude... I was I cut out this extra noise? Close my eyes? Yada yada? And a friend was just like... just close your eyes and stop thinking... So I tried that... it was not working man I was just like shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit....what??? So I tried just thinking blank spaces blank open whiteness... But dude I was still thinking O.O???? Just tryna concentrate on keeping it that wasn't relaxing at all *sigh* and thoughts kept creeping up and everything... So I kinda just gave up on that one... I do tend to over think stuff though...Right now for one thing I'm constantly over thinking I'm feeling pretty stupid though foreal XD... an outright damn fool man... You know something....? I really bother myself sometimes =o! Well... Florida here I come. Fresh start. Hopefully this is the last one before I flee to Canada. Yes flee. I guess I'm a runner. *After thought* Hmm... I'm kinda rambling right now about something stupid....should I call this a r.o.a.s.t. moment? What number am I on anyway...

*after after thought*
Dang now I feel even worse, and more of an idiot. I went and posted this on the wrong blog. It's gone now though but still... I'm just going to stop thinking about things... Really...'s just stupid man... I'm just going to stop caring >.< Didn't work last time, but I'll make it work now. Motivation. Hells yeah. Dedication.