Monday, June 8, 2009


Gone. That's how I feel right now foreal though. Kinda gone. Vacant. Empty. Ya feelin me? Well that's not what I meant anyway but the thought had occurred and so I decided to just go ahead and write that mess down anyway. Well I was talking about this book I just finished reading, that I picked up from the library. It's called Gone.

It was an interesting enough concept when I read the inside of the cover so I picked it up and decided to check it out. Oh boi, then I started reading it. It was coming off as the stupidest ish I'd ever read. And to top it off they kind of tricked me... I thought what they meant about disappearing on their birthday, was that people disappeared by age 18. But these fools were talking 15 so it was kinda like this lil preteen book though...

All of it was just a little bit cheesy. But I kept on reading because I wanted an explanation for why these things were happening. Not because I was genuinely interested in the plot. Though I do have to admit that sometimes there were moments in the story where the author - Michael Grant btw - really grabbed you with what was going on.

Those were good points...but they were a bit melodramatic too. Ok so I guess it was a teensy bit interesting but man...not really. Oh and guess what. I still didn't get my explanation. Oh sure they told me the reason why everyone over the age of 14 disappeared, but I figured that shet out at the beginning of the book. In no way shape or form would I recommend anyone to read this book. Unless you're bored, need a good laugh...or are like some little 4th grader who really likes to read. They mislead me so that kind of pisses me off a bit but not really. Well yeah really. I was expecting this book to be the most awesome shet I'd ever read.

But that's my own fault though. It's what happens when you assume things. Coach Walker used to say that you could separate the word ASSUME into three words.

Try it out.