Sunday, May 10, 2009

Twisted Sista's

Man this dude is such a talented artist I just had to spread his work around, get it even more seen. Anybody who see's this, let me know if you have seen these pictures before =o His name is Jeffrey Thomas. He calls the style Deviant Art I believe. And the name of the selection I'm about to show you is called Twisted Princesses.

My favorite is Jasmine. Aside from the fact that I loved Aladdin, Jasmine's picture was the best of the bunch. Next After that I would say Belle.. There is something about Twisted Cinderella that is calling to me. I dunno about what. At first I thought it was just creeping me out but that wasn't it. And it's trying to pull something up out of my memory that doesn't want to come. Oh and I don't know what the heck he was thinking with little Mermaid.. Oooo! A fork for an arm!! Scary!!