Tuesday, May 19, 2009

R.O.A.S.T. of the Moment #2

My friend tells me this.. That when he was younger watching Aladdin... He listened to the words of what the guy was saying and it creeped him out... Told me I would get a kick out of it. At first I don't even recall what the hell he's talkin about, then I remember the beginning and tell him that when I was little I didn't focus on the things like that like he did... Our childhoods were completely different, him and I... Sometimes seem like (don't take this with the obvious meaning and say duh and leave a mean comment, think about it for a minute) Well it seems like we are just two entirely different people on completely different pages... from totally different planets... Yet in some ways, I see that we are very alike o_o. It's just so funny to me... Man we grew up so differently... Wonderful person, really though.. Well anywho's this is what I tells em... I says to him I says .. "I think I remember what you are talking about but I don't remember it all... Nor do I remember focusing on it." He says to me he says "Awww D=" lol... I love how I'm talkin right now.. But i'll stop though... Well he says awww (oops done it again) then I said I didn't do stuff like that when I was a kid... I just focused on the 'magic'. He said he always focused on things like that.. the serious stuff i guess? Deeper meanings? I didn't get like that til I got a bit older... then he asked Really, as in was that really what I focused on.. and before getting a response he said "That is awesome =o!" I'm wonderin why or how.. and still am... But first I'm wonderin what and he tells me he meant about the magic.... And then I say "I mean not like magic... as in magic is real... that i knew... I never really believed in stuff like that... I don't remember ever believing in a santa claus except for around the time my mom went blind.. he was probably laughing on is high horse, "oh now you want me"... I just went a long with it for the sake of my mom... but after a while i got tired of it, and thought she'd be ok with it since I was getting a bit older =3 but Anyway when I was a kid... it was just the wonder of it all... amazement I guess... just the fact that stuff was happening Iduunnooooo... It wasn't the type of magic... like that harry potter bully that i think of when i hear the word... huh... dunno how to define.. ehh whatever nevermind..." So there ya go... Thats just me givin out a little piece of myself... And that is the R.O.A.S.T. of the moment =D ... If you did not catch the other blog and don't know what I even mean by R.O.A.S.T. look it up in me archive, its the one right before this one homey...