Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This one won't be so long... I dunno why but I'm actually a bit excited to be moving again... either that or I just don't care... i'm leanin towards the latter though...and it's not buggin me... I'm starting not to care about a lot of stuff... Lets just forget the fact that every move is supposed to be "the last one"... That's not bugging me either...What's with this new attitude of mine? I feel kinda... done... I've felt like that before but I made myself feel like that.. Told myself "stop caring"... This right here....sprung itself up on me >__> sucks..or does it...? Man what eva I don't give nmad.. OH yeah.. Another contribute to this roasting...

...sdrawkcab etirw ot ekil I

Can you read that?

Post what it says in a comment, and write your own backwards phrase, or sentence.. or word.. whatever the lleh you feel like typing backwards...

hmm... afterthought.. yeah I think i'd prefer to call them roast moments.. that just fits so much better... dont jack my tihs alright?