Monday, April 4, 2011

Lol, I was wrong.

Can I say that this is random and no longer related to my life? Or would that be a lie. I feel like that'd be a lie...

Let me start over. I've been getting reminded of circumstances in my life that have passed, and it's caused me to reflect a bit on those events...

I was wrong.

I didn't realize it at the time, but now I do. No, I don't want this person back in my life...but the way I went about getting him out of my life was all wrong. I made it seem to me AND him that it was all his fault. That communication was the only reason I couldn't do this anymore. I was so wrong. I was concealing the fact that there was an issue with myself in the situation. Lying to myself and this person.

I grew distant, and when we did actually talk, he would somehow annoy me..immediately.

What made the long distance hell for me was when we would go days on end without speaking.

How does that even work?

I could have reached out instead...but I always reached out. I always took charge and made the effort. My motto... if you want me, come find me. I did the finding. I think I was done with that. I don't know.

I know now that what I really wanted was to be free.

Maybe I went about it in the wrong way...