Friday, February 26, 2010

Embracing Something New

Ya know, sometimes I feel like a right carnivore. On certain times when I'm hungry, I'll get this intense craving for something meaty! And if I can't get to anything, I settle for cheese. Never understood that last part, though... But, I never exactly felt right about eating meat. There's always something in my mind that says it's not right. I tried giving up pork, seeing what happened to those poor things in the factories...and i felt awful learning about I know we were given dominion over animals and all that, but a very smart person told me that we were also supposed to respect those animals too. For the most part, although not entirely, the respect seems to be missing. I don't really know where to start on the research to see which companies treat the animals right, and buy my meat from them... and I don't really want to anyway. Meat just feels kinda wrrroonng to me sometimes. yo no se.

And on a lighter note, there are loads of benefits to vegetarianism. Me likey. It's impossible getting healthy in this house though... well, mostly STAYING healthy... maybe a bit of both. but ima try. woo! gonna lead a healthy lifestyle with a pure body and mind. [and soul too :D but not from vegetarianism] man, i'm glad to have learned about the benefits of walnuts, too... i'll have to work with the stuff we have in our house though. probably won't be possible to go vegan xD maybe when i'm older, used to this vegetarian stuff........and buying my own groceries ;D i'll try that veganness. right now i'll do fine just to refrain from eating meat though...

also.....ima try drinking water more often...there was a time when i quit soda all together... i kinda got smaller o.O but one horrid day at the mall... i was thirsty and mountain dew was all they had.... well, i coulda gone to a fountain but i wanted something to take with me... okay i was weak D= but... let's just say goodbye soda, too XD oh and bread... i'd once gave up bread...that was nice... i dont eat too much bread though... shant be a problem... i just have to get used to drinking water rather than artificial drinks and juices.... its much better for my bodeh and i know this, but i just enjoy a little TASTE to my drinks... i've grown up on "orange drink" and such D=