Tuesday, September 22, 2009

dared to hope...

i knew it... and i tried not to let myself drift into dreamland but i did anyway. and it hurts. it sucks. it stinks. i dont know for sure but thats what i think... the fault of why i get emotionally stepped on is of my own! Am i making something out of nothing? Mountain of a molehill? I do that often, but I'd rather not live a fantasy life and continue to dream of what I cannot have. I'm regular. I saw something extraordinary and dared to dream for it but that was a mistake and the whole time i knew it was, yet still i...

anyways...aside from what im feeling right now today was an ok day. it was nice...and pleasant...and shit.

nothing bad happened, at least. i got my progress report but i already knew my grades.

i presented a project today and did well. my advertisement made people laugh so i'll share it and hope you laugh. we were learning about puritans and had to put together a magazine of what we'd learned, than we were each responsible for an advertisement. here's mine.

Hey you!

Yes, you!

Are your little ones getting bigger? Time to start teaching them all about life, and God's plans? Then call 1-800-PURITAN and order them the childrens' book "Everybody Dies." May reality hit them like a ton of bricks!!! "

Apparently my group thought I had the best advertisement, so they chose to read that one aloud. I was embarrassed and flattered. Also, pleased to see I'd made so many laugh. It was nice.... yup...