Saturday, July 3, 2010

...but what if-STFU!

kinda want to delete all my old friends from past school's on facebook..not all of them...just the ones i was closest too... how to make this not sound petty, jealous, or childish... well, i can't.. i feel hurt sometimes... i've gotten so distanced from my best friends from having to move all the time... i tried keeping in contact, but..well..i was there is the wonderful world that is facebook...and i see my old 'closest' friends together... having wishing i was there to share the moments...and absolutely certain that none of them have ever spared a second thought about me... or else we'd still be in touch :/ i miss them. but i realize it's stupid. as i look back i can pinpoint the moments that just proved we weren't going to be 'friends forever' or were hardly even friends back then... not real friends, at least.. just an illusion, unfortunately =/ but the main reason why it's so stupid to be looking back missing these half friendships is because now i have...real ones...whole ones..better ones...and i'm not letting them go for anything. there are no what ifs. not for this particular situation...


'Kalos' said...

I so feel you. High School it was like we were the tightest of friends ...but only because we had to, almost. No that we are in college and the bonds have been tested, I realized that all of us have failed the friendship test. This post I can relate to

iforgotmyname said...

hehe except i'm still in high school XD my bonds were only tested by being constantly uprooted =/ buuut i guess i'll see what you're talkin about after next year...

Brie-ski said...
