Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Hungry....Turtle?!

Mayne... ;) I like Florida. Where else do I see random animals at random times? I get so surprised when I see them here because I never see any outside of a zoo! Now I wonder if that giant turtle was wild or someone's lost pet. Either way, it was ugly as H E double hockey sticks and reaaally creeped me out! I went up to it to see what it was because I couldn't see well from far away. I probably looked like a total freak standing in the middle of the cross walk staring all hard at a turtle, then going down some random street toward it... And, first it was going off in it's own direction, but when I got closer, it veered toward me and started coming my way......... When I moved out of the road to the side walk, it turned back to wear I was and kept moving, too! That's when I saw how ugly it was. It didn't look like any turtle I'd ever seen. That's why I was trying so hard to figure out what it was. And, it moved faster than any turtle I've ever seen...that's why I turned back and went back to my street...knowing I could still move faster than the turtle, no matter how fast it went.... When I was speed-walking out, I saw the trash disposal people lean their heads out the window to look, so I paused and was looking at them to see their reaction, and looking at the turtle to see what it was doing... then they looked at me and said "You scared of that turtle?!" I just grinned and kept on walking, silently relieved that someone confirmed it to be a turtle.... I was still checking over my shoulder repeatedly during the walk home to make sure that Alien Thing wasn't following me... and I'm still not assured! 'Kay, so I totally freaked... that was the weirdest looking thing I've ever seen! I saw no eyes, and the turtle hands didn't look like any I've ever seen before...maybe it was a breed I've never seen. There's got to be loads. But I'll tell you one thing I know for sure... that thing was hungry.