Friday, May 29, 2009

R.O.A.S.T. Moment #7

You know what the very worst combination of bodily functions happens to be? Having to pee and being thirsty at the same time. Not like regular thirsty. Like... about to pass out thirsty. Heat stroke thirsty... Haven't had anything to drink since sometime a billion years ago thirsty. It's like... which one do I handle first? If I go pee my throat gets dryer and dryer by how long it takes for me to get to the bathroom, use it, flush, wash my hands, and dry em... If I get something to drink first than that adds to the problem of having to pee... I usually just endure the thirst and go pee >.> Maybe I should switch it up. I'm kinda thirsty right now but teh bladders also kinda full >.> How does that happen???? I haven't had anything to drink since... Well actually I haven't... I had a Popsicle though =o! That explains the thirst...but the need to pee? Well I don't feel like getting into a conversation about how the digestive system works >.> wait... not a conversation... a rant... or ramble... idk... I know its not a conversation though because that involves more than one person =o

