Friday, May 29, 2009

I'm sorry yall!

I've been so selfish... Never posting anything of mine on this blog... Ok maybe I did once or thrice... But I've been posting it on the forum site, and plugging my link to the blog... And really I didn't want the first thing people to see to be the exact same thing they see from me on the forum site... But... I figure I might as well... If someone from the forum site checks the blog out then they should go to the archive and see some other posts... Ok well all selfishness aside... Here's something I just wrote that I really want to share on my blog. I call it ~An Endless Love~!

I don't know how it happened
Let alone even when
Just... only that it did
Maybe I Was walking though the park one day
And noticed all the beauty God put here on earth
Maybe it just really inspired me to find a way to express it
Express Myself
Express My Feelings
My mind and my soul
Or maybe it was just in me since day one
Like the blood in my veins coursing throughout my body
Handed down through one special gene
Maybe from my mother?
Handed down by God, through her, to me
Through her anthology I'd read when I was a small child
I saw how truly great she was
She had such a way with words, and now she's gifted that to me
A gift I've taken with love, and passion
It's so strong that it cause my love for anything artistic, and creative
To just grow..and grow and grow... endlessly
Who's to know what truly strikes this fire in me
But whatever it was I'm so very glad that it happened
That I've even been given the chance to be able express myself at all
Because what a sad life it would be if I couldn't
I'm really glad... That I fell in love with the pen.